Brain Awareness Week again! Brain Awareness Week again! 13-14 March 2025, 10-18h daily Brain Awareness Week again! Brain Awareness Week again! 13-14 March 2025, 10-18h daily
Thermal water biofilm studies could help understand ancient ecosystems Adaptation to extreme conditions: thermal water biofilm studies could help understand ancient ecosystems Thermal water biofilm studies could help understand ancient ecosystems Adaptation to extreme conditions: thermal water biofilm studies could help understand ancient ecosystems
hosted the Winter School of the Visegrad Group Society for Developmental... From 28 to 31 January, ELTE Faculty of Science hosted the Winter School of the Visegrad Group Society for Developmental Biology (V4SDB). hosted the Winter School of the Visegrad Group Society for Developmental... From 28 to 31 January, ELTE Faculty of Science hosted the Winter School of the Visegrad Group Society for Developmental Biology (V4SDB).
Surprising differences in breed performance in a simple olfactory task Border collies, a herding breed, reached higher success levels than some hunting breeds, like golden retrievers, Hungarian and German vizslas. Surprising differences in breed performance in a simple olfactory task Border collies, a herding breed, reached higher success levels than some hunting breeds, like golden retrievers, Hungarian and German vizslas.
How can your houseplant survive up to a month and a half without watering? The leaves of the ornamental never never plant can store water efficiently for up to 45 days thanks to their water-storing cell layers, and thus maintain... How can your houseplant survive up to a month and a half without watering? The leaves of the ornamental never never plant can store water efficiently for up to 45 days thanks to their water-storing cell layers, and thus maintain...
Why you should (not) get a dog: the pros and cons of dog ownership Are dogs really the key to better health and a happier life? In this new study, dog owners were invited to describe the biggest benefits and challenges... Why you should (not) get a dog: the pros and cons of dog ownership Are dogs really the key to better health and a happier life? In this new study, dog owners were invited to describe the biggest benefits and challenges...