Why you should (not) get a dog: the pros and cons of dog ownership Are dogs really the key to better health and a happier life? In this new study, dog owners were invited to describe the biggest benefits and challenges... Why you should (not) get a dog: the pros and cons of dog ownership Are dogs really the key to better health and a happier life? In this new study, dog owners were invited to describe the biggest benefits and challenges...
Dogs can recognize familiar speakers A kutyák tudják, hogy kinek a hangját hallják! Eredményeink elsőként igazolták, hogy a kutyák képesek az emberek hangalapú egyedfelismerésére. Dogs can recognize familiar speakers A kutyák tudják, hogy kinek a hangját hallják! Eredményeink elsőként igazolták, hogy a kutyák képesek az emberek hangalapú egyedfelismerésére.
New study reveals dogs prefer texture over shape when identifying objects These results highlight dogs’ reliance on different sensory modalities, similar to humans only to some extent, when identifying and generalizing objects. New study reveals dogs prefer texture over shape when identifying objects These results highlight dogs’ reliance on different sensory modalities, similar to humans only to some extent, when identifying and generalizing objects.
Guardian, kids, or companions? What do dogs mean to us today Whether seen as friends, family members, children or guardians, these roles affect the way dogs are cared for, suggesting shifting dynamics in human-animal... Guardian, kids, or companions? What do dogs mean to us today Whether seen as friends, family members, children or guardians, these roles affect the way dogs are cared for, suggesting shifting dynamics in human-animal...
The complex social life of rats uncovered with potential implications for... The discovery not only deepens our understanding of rat social structures but also implies important lessons for developing psychiatric medications. The complex social life of rats uncovered with potential implications for... The discovery not only deepens our understanding of rat social structures but also implies important lessons for developing psychiatric medications.
Exploring ethorobotics How animal behaviour research is helping to shape the social robots of the future Exploring ethorobotics How animal behaviour research is helping to shape the social robots of the future